So that brings me back to my daughter and her bunny issues. Sometime in the past few years I happened to mention the fact that I once owned a bunny. Em said she wanted one too, and I (being the wonderful parent I am *large snort*, I told her that when we got a house with a yard, maybe we could get a bunny.
Well, we got a house, and this summer I bought a very expensive yard to go with the house, so now we had all of the qualifying factors for having a bunny... at least as far as my daughter was concerned.
So I started the research. I had heard years ago that you could litter train rabbits. Heck, if it can be done I'm all for it. I looked at different types of rabbits and then started looking for places that had them for sale. The end of August I found a farmer who had bought his daughter a bunny and then bought the bunny a friend (thinking they were both female rabbits) and sure enough, he ended up with one of each and a whole bunny family. *poor shmuck*
Em and I headed up to Willard to see the bunnies and decide if one belonged at our home. I should have known that there was no way we were walking away from that farm without a four legged fluffy bunny. I guess I was being a bit naive.
At the farm we found Pokey. Pokey is a mixed bunny. Her mom is a lop ear and her dad is a Netherland dwarf. Pokey's name comes from the fact that she has these cute pokadots everywhere. Even though it was hard to resist the "buy one get one free" tactics of Mr. Farmer from Willard, *hahaha* we managed to come home with only one fluffy bunny.

So meet Pokey. She is now 4 months old, and is ummm partially litter trained (LOL) She lives in our Family Room and hopefully in the next month when the basement toy room in finished she will have a new home.
Tipsy our cat has no idea what to make of the bunny. He hates the fact that the bunny has claws and likes to hop all over him, and he really hates that the bunny sniffs everything, and I do mean everything. (we need to take her to "bunny etiquette" school. So for the most part the cat avoids the bunny, although that is hard, seeing as how my daughter decided it would be fun to teach the bunny how to go up the stairs, so now the bunny can chase the cat no matter where the cat goes. Oh yeah, the cat thinks that was such a great idea *rolls eyes* I'm still holding out hope that one day they will become friends.
Nice blog - I'm so glad I can finally post! Emmi is such a cutie - I love your bunny. We had a cat and a bunny - the cat was actually scared of the rabbit.
Glad to see you're here!
It's all the butt sniffing that makes our cat run for cover. LOL
Thanks for the bunny book, Emmi and I have read the whole thing, plus what her school library has available. She is always saying to me "Mom, the book says we are suppose to..." Way too funny.
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