Thursday, January 21, 2010

Emmi's Butt-Sliding Fun

This past September my family went camping to Tony Grove in Utah. Behind our camping spot was this really cool landscape that had a tree who's roots were showing. It was so very pretty I couldn't help but take a bazillion pictures.

Emmi, my adventurous 9 year old, decided she wanted to climb up and touch the exposed roots.

She did so with my enthusiastic approval. (I'm a bad influence)

So she climbed down across the gully and up a mud and rock slide to the roots. She then begged her 10 year old cousin to join her. His parents weren't so excited about the idea.

So there is my child, standing on a rock slide holding onto the roots of an 80 foot pine tree.
LOL, geez I'm a brilliant parent.
They stayed up there for a bit, holding onto the roots and thinking they were pretty cool.

However, what goes up....must...well, you know.

So the debate ensued. "Mom? How do I get down?"

"Same way you got up, only backwards."

Moooooom, it is slick, how do I get down?"

Me in my brilliance said. "Well, you just slide down on your butt."

Makes sense...right?


Her cousin went first, and I'm really sad I didn't get that on video because geez he slid down that hill fast.

His parents were less than happy with my bad influence on their son. And how that influence impacted their sons jeans.

Then it was Emmi's turn.

Here is the video...I still laugh every time I see it.

I may be a bad influence, but I'm a GREAT mom and no one can accuse me of being a boring mom either.

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