I am not one of those women who drag themselves out of bed on "Black Friday" to scream, push, pull, and basically make a fool out of yourself to buy a gift and save a few dollars. I'm the type of woman who hates shopping.... yes, shopping in general, not just on the day after Thanksgiving.
My mom says I'm not her daughter. Ya see, the women in my family looooove to shop and my mom is the queen. I on the other hand dread shopping trips, mainly because I can't decide what I want. But more than that, I hate that I can't find what I want and that I waste so much time looking for something that I know they don't have.
Every year on "Black Friday" my mom, my sister and my grandma head out at 3 am to buy their Christmas gifts, while I....ummm.... well.... SLEEP Each and every year they get irritated at me for not wanting to drag my butt out of bed and freeze my previously mentioned butt off while I stand in line with a bunch of women that.... I swear... need medication for their shopping issues.
This year was no different. And yet, I still managed to keep myself in bed. Other years my willpower hasn't been so strong and I have given into the pressure and gone shopping.
So what did I do on the day after Thanksgiving. I put up the Holiday decorations. It's a tradition dating back to my childhood. I've kept the tradition with Emmi. So this year we put up the tree, all the garland and the outdoor lights.
It's a mess... but after everything is finished it feels so very good. Plus I love the house all decorated. Here are three pictures from our "putting up the lights...day" Tipsy (the cat) loves to sleep under the tree.
My mom says I'm not her daughter. Ya see, the women in my family looooove to shop and my mom is the queen. I on the other hand dread shopping trips, mainly because I can't decide what I want. But more than that, I hate that I can't find what I want and that I waste so much time looking for something that I know they don't have.
Every year on "Black Friday" my mom, my sister and my grandma head out at 3 am to buy their Christmas gifts, while I....ummm.... well.... SLEEP Each and every year they get irritated at me for not wanting to drag my butt out of bed and freeze my previously mentioned butt off while I stand in line with a bunch of women that.... I swear... need medication for their shopping issues.
This year was no different. And yet, I still managed to keep myself in bed. Other years my willpower hasn't been so strong and I have given into the pressure and gone shopping.
So what did I do on the day after Thanksgiving. I put up the Holiday decorations. It's a tradition dating back to my childhood. I've kept the tradition with Emmi. So this year we put up the tree, all the garland and the outdoor lights.
It's a mess... but after everything is finished it feels so very good. Plus I love the house all decorated. Here are three pictures from our "putting up the lights...day" Tipsy (the cat) loves to sleep under the tree.
Very nice! You've done far better than I did. After finishing the garden cleaning - I never even thought of Christmas decorating. LOL. Maybe sometime this week I'll get to it.
Good thing I don't have little kids at home.
I'm impressed, Charity - it looks great! We wanted to bring our stuff out this weekend but it didn't seem to happen. Next weekend! Oh - I LOVE the picture of the cat and the bunny together. Very cute.
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