Sometimes in life we have those moments when everything else around us seems to fade and we realize just how important certain people are to your existence.
I had one of those yesterday.

Yesterday Emmi went swimming to Surf and Swim (a local wave pool) for a friends birthday. While she partied I shopped. At 5:00 I went to pick her up and saw a fire truck parked next to the building. I didn't think anything of it because the police and fire station aren't too far away from the swimming pool.
So I get out of the car, walk into the building only to have a nervous 16 year old worker tell me I can't pick up my daughter that I need to leave the building immediately.
I was then grabbed by a fireman and escorted from the building. He told me I needed to wait on the far side of the parking lot and that they would evacuate the building when it was safe.
My heart stopped, but I reluctantly left the building.
I heard the sirens so I ran for my car to move it so I wouldn't be blocked in by police and fire trucks.
Then I stood at the back of the parking lot and waited.
My first thought was that someone had drown, my second was a gunman... I kept thinking that we had missed the Trolley Square shooting 3 years ago because I was too lazy and decided to leave the house later and then decided on the way that I didn't want to drive to Salt Lake. So as I stood in the parking lot watching firemen and police officers surround the building and enter it I could help but think "what are the odds'?
I was hoping that because the firemen were around and by the door that it was something else and not some freak-job with violence on the mind.
I was seriously freaked that my daughter was inside.
About 5 minutes later people started to evacuated the building so I started walking towards them, looking for Emmi and not seeing her.
When I got closer to the building I knew what the problem was.
I could smell the gas and BOY was it strong. The were taping off the parking lot and didn't want anyone to start their cars. At that time I was seriously glad I had moved my car. It had been parked right next to the building where they were not allowing anyone to get to their vehicles.
Although in hindsight, starting my car was NOT a smart thing to do. But I didn't know it at the time.
I was still standing back from the building watching the last of the people exit and getting more and more upset as the time dragged on. It looked like everyone was out of the building and cuddling in groups to keep from freezing to death. (wet hair and Utah temps in February don't mix well).
I still couldn't find my daughter and was just about ready to have a panic attack when she walked out.
They had come out another exit. They had to turn around and go back through another door to get out.
I don't want to ever again have the feelings I had while standing outside of that building yesterday. I was terrified! She is the most precious part of my life and I couldn't get to her when I most wanted to.
I hugged her extra tight throughout the night.