Easter weekend was a lot of fun. Emmi and I worked out in the yard on Friday night. We bought some pansies to plant and some soil for the garden. We have a bunch of tulip and daffodils bulbs that have come up but only one has bloomed. I can't wait for them all to be in bloom. On Saturday we had the annual great-grandma Easter egg hunt. We had about 50 people there and the kids all had a blast hunting for candy.After the candy hunt my dad always hides money for the kids...and bigger kids...*snicker* to find. He gets more and more creative each year. He has even been known to shrink wrap the money inside of an item. So you think the herbal tea container is new because it has plastic around it, but NOOOO it has five dollar hidden inside.This year I got involved and my dad and I hid some money inside of a sewn baby burp cloth. LOL, it was the last money found.We took the bunny with us to great-grandmas, after all, what is Easter without a fluffy bunny? The kids enjoyed getting to pet and hold the rabbit.Sunday was pretty quiet. Emmi hunted eggs around the house, then we ate biscuits and gravy with eggs (one of my friends had this tradition with his family, and I've done it ever since). Emmi doesn't' like the eggs in the gravy, but she eats the rest. Then it was off to Church.We spent the evening outside playing and then inside watching TV and playing with the Light bright. Overall, it was a good Easter and a relaxing one too.Happy Easter Everyone and Welcome Spring.