2008 came in with a “hack”…. literally. Emmi gave me her cold just before the holiday and by New Years day it had gone to my lungs. I hate being sick, but under most instances I can push myself to work. Not this time. I was down for a week and just started feeling normal on two days ago.
The past 14 days have been weird to say the least. With me being sick, Emmi having some medical issues and all of the snow we have had here in Northern Utah, it has been far from normal. In fact, I just got caught up on laundry last night and started tackleing the messy house. I tried really hard last night, but the house still looks like crap.
It’s sad how fast things go to pot when you are sick and then when you start feeling better it takes FOREVER for things to return to normal.
With all that said, I did take the time away from cleaning this weekend and played two hours of Disney Scene It with my daughter. Try it sometime and see how fast your kids beat the pants off you. LOL
The snow has been annoying. Remember when we were kids and prayed for so much snow that they would close the schools. Now as adults we pray for less and less snow every year so we don’t have to shovel it or drive in it. Plus I have decided that it would take 4 feet of snow in Utah before they would close the schools. Our last big storm is case in point. The storm was only supposed to be a 1-2 incher and we got 12-13 at my house. Some parts of the valley got two feet and did they close anything… nope! Cause this is Utah. LOL
I remember living in Kentucky and getting what Utahns would call a “skiff” of snow and everything in the whole city shut down. It boggles the mind!
So I’ve spent the last three weeks shoveling more snow than I ever wanted to shovel. I was a nice mom though, because I piled it all into one hill so all of the neighbor kids could come injure themselves at my house. *grin*. They had fun sledding down the hill so it was worth the back pains. The sad part is that my 90 year old neighbor came over to help shovel my driveway… with his snow blower. How pathetic is that?
HERE’S TO 2008!
Is it time for spring yet?